7 Easy Ways to Make Money From TikTok, Instantly Being Celebrity in Social Media And Getting Earning Quickly!

- 14 Juni 2024, 05:10 WIB
7 Profitable Easy Ways to Make Money From TikTok, Instantly Being Celebrity in Social Media, Follow The Steps!
7 Profitable Easy Ways to Make Money From TikTok, Instantly Being Celebrity in Social Media, Follow The Steps! /FREEPIK/drobotdean/

INDOTRENDS.ID - 7 Profitable Easy Ways to Make Money From TikTok, Instantly Being Celebrity in Social Media, Follow The Steps! 

Already have a TikTok account & interested in earning additional income? Find out 7 ways to make money from TikTok easily and profitably in this article!

TikTok is a video sharing application that is currently viral and widely used by the public. Apparently, this application is popular because it can bring profits in the form of money to its users. However, how? Come on, find the answer to how to make money from TikTok through the description below. Do not miss!

What is TikTok?

TikTok is an application from China that was launched in 2016. You can share audio-visual content with a maximum duration of 60 seconds. When editing videos, you can add certain effects and background music. You can also make your own music or use other people's music that is already available in the application.

At the start of its launch, this application was actually quite popular and was often used by young Indonesians. However, because it often causes controversy, the Indonesian government issued a ban on its use.

Ilustrasi - Find out 7 ways to make money from TikTok easily and profitably
Ilustrasi - Find out 7 ways to make money from TikTok easily and profitably Pexels/Ivan Samkov.


Then, in 2019, the TikTok application became popular again due to the large number of content creators who came from public figures, artists, celebrities, musicians and various other professional workers. To date, TikTok has 689 million active users worldwide.

It seems that TikTok's popularity in Indonesia has benefited some people. Because they can generate additional income just by using this application. Tempting, right? If you want to try it, just read the explanation below.

How to Make Money from TikTok

So, according to what was mentioned previously, there are 7 ways to make money from TikTok. You can choose some or one of the following features.

1. TikTok Coin
The first way to get money from TikTok is to use TikTok coins. These coins are currency created specifically for the application and can be exchanged using real currency such as dollars, rupiah, and so on.

When you create video content on the TikTok application, other users can give you gift items in the form of animations that can be purchased with TikTok coins. In this way, creators can receive financial support directly from their fans.

7 Profitable Easy Ways to Make Money From TikTok, Instantly Being Celebrity in Social Media, Follow The Steps!
7 Profitable Easy Ways to Make Money From TikTok, Instantly Being Celebrity in Social Media, Follow The Steps! Pixabay/geralt

2. Develop accounts to sell
The second way to make money from TikTok is to develop an account, then sell it to other people. The things that are generally developed are the number of followers and likes, because these accounts will get a high level of engagement.

The method of buying and selling accounts applies like selling products in general. Once the account has developed well, You can sell it to other people at a certain price. The price of course varies for each sale, so the income you get can also vary.

3. Manage influencer campaigns
The next way to earn money from TikTok is by managing client accounts who work as influencers.

If you are not interested in creating content on the TikTok application directly, you can offer influencer campaign management services. From this service, you can provide strategies for creating and uploading content in the application so that the level of engagement increases.

Thus, if the client's account develops well, you will also benefit from the campaign.

4. Become a TikTok account manager
The fourth way to get money from TikTok is to manage or become the manager of a particular TikTok account. This method is quite popular on various other social media, such as Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.

The process is almost like a campaign, but the level of management is higher. You need to formulate the main goal of the account, a content creation strategy, what materials can be used as content, when to upload content, how to interact with fans, and so on.

You must have the ability to produce content because you yourself must produce it directly. That's how to earn money from TikTok as an account manager.

5. Become a TikTok account consultant
The next way to get money from TikTok is to become a TikTok account consultant. If you don't have time to produce for clients or those clients want to create their own content, you can earn income in other ways, namely by becoming a TikTok account consultant.

The way to make money from TikTok as a consultant is by providing advice on content creation, uploading content, and so on. In principle, you are not directly involved in content management, but only provide strategic advice.

6. Get paid sponsors
The next way to make money from TikTok is to get paid sponsors. If you already have a lot of followers and likes, generally there will be a product brand that is interested in hiring your services for paid promotions.

Like other forms of collaboration, the product brand will pay a certain amount of money with the condition that the creator must create some content and get a certain number of likes. you can collaborate with various products that suit your account content.

7. Using TikTok ads
Lastly, the way to make money from TikTok is by using TikTok ads. Especially if you sell certain products in the TikTok account content you create.

This application has provided TikTok Ads which function to give your content the opportunity to reach a wider niche audience. This way, the products you promote in your content will also be known and bought by more people.

That's an explanation regarding how to get money from TikTok that you can try to increase your income. This application proves that online entertainment platforms like TikTok can have a positive impact if used wisely. So, happy working and being creative!

***  (IndoTrends.id/ Source: ocbc.id ) 

Editor: Dian Toro


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