10 Best Selling Cars in Indonesia May 2024: Daihatsu Sigra Unbeatable, Gran Max Shows Off

- 18 Juni 2024, 08:10 WIB
10 Best Selling Cars in Indonesia May 2024: Daihatsu Sigra Unbeatable, Gran Max Shows Off
10 Best Selling Cars in Indonesia May 2024: Daihatsu Sigra Unbeatable, Gran Max Shows Off /

INDOTRENDS.ID - The Association of Indonesian Automotive Industries (Gaikindo) released data on sales of the best-selling cars in May 2024. This data was taken wholesale, aka deliveries from factories to dealers.

The best-selling car in May 2024 is Daihatsu Sigra. This MPV low cost green car (LCGC) managed to record sales of 5,545 units. Not only is it the best seller, sales figures have also increased drastically compared to the previous month.

In April 2024, Daihatsu Sigra sales reached 3,740. When compared to May, the figure rose to 1,805 units.

Big Three Changes

Position changes also occurred in the top three best-selling car sales in May 2024. In April, positions 2 and 3 were filled by the Toyota Rush and Toyota Innova. However, both cars have undergone changes. There are ups and downs.

In May, the second position was filled by Toyota Innova with sales of 5,381 units. Next is the Avanza which scored 5,027 cars.

Toyota Rush, on the other hand, is now in 6th place with total sales of 2,436.

Meanwhile, sales dominance is still filled by LCGC vehicles such as the Honda Brio, Toyota Calya, Toyota Agya.

Gran Max Surprise

Daihatsu Gran Max makes a surprise on this list. Pickup cars and blind vans are in the 10th best-selling position. Daihatsu's light commercial vehicle (LCV) is ranked 9th with sales of 1,628 units. Here is the complete list:

10 Best Selling Cars in Indonesia May 2024:

  1. Daihatsu Sigra 5,445 units
  2. Toyota Innova 5,381 units
  3. Toyota Avanza 5,027 units
  4. Honda Brio 3,583 units
  5. Toyota Calya 3,128 units
  6. Toyota Rush 2,436 units
  7. Mitsubishi Xpander 1,979 units
  8. Toyota Agya 1,671 units
  9. Daihatsu Gran Max MB/BV 1,628 units
  10. Suzuki XL7 1,359 units

The following is a comparison with the best-selling cars in April 2024

  1. Daihatsu Sigra 3,740 units
  2. Toyota Rush 3,069 units
  3. Toyota Innova 2,803 units
  4. Toyota Avanza 2,605 units
  5. Honda Brio 2,033 units
  6. Toyota Calya 2021 units
  7. Daihatsu Ayla 1,248 units
  8. Daihatsu Terios 1,230 units
  9. Suzuki XL7 1,144 units
  10. Toyota Hilux 1,080 units

Interesting Facts about Best Selling Car Sales in Indonesia: May vs April 2024

Based on data on sales of the best-selling cars in Indonesia for May and April 2024, there are several interesting facts that can be observed:

1. Domination of Toyota and Daihatsu
These two brands dominate the list of 10 best-selling cars in both months, with a total of 7 and 3 models in May and 6 and 2 models in April.

The Toyota Avanza returned to 3rd place in May after being displaced by Sigra in April.

Daihatsu Sigra maintained its top position in May, showing consistent performance.

2. Rising Trend
Overall car sales increased in May compared to April.

Almost all models in the top 10 list experienced an increase in sales, except for the Suzuki XL7 and Toyota Hilux.

The biggest sales increase occurred in Toyota Innova (88%) and Mitsubishi Xpander (24%).

3. New Model Establishes Position
Honda Brio Satya and Brio RS (combined) rose to 4th position in May, indicating good reception in the market.

The Suzuki XL7 is still relatively new on the market, but managed to enter the top 10 in both months.

4. Old models are still popular
The Toyota Avanza, even though it is no longer the latest model, is still popular with consumers and occupies the top 3 positions in both months.

Daihatsu Gran Max MB/BV, a light commercial car, showed stable sales performance in both months.

5. Shifting of Certain Models
The Toyota Rush fell from 2nd to 6th position in May, possibly as consumer focus shifted to other models.

Daihatsu Ayla and Terios dropped out of the top 10 in May, indicating a trend worth paying attention to.

*** (Alza Ahdira/Pikiran Rakyat)

Editor: Dian Toro

Sumber: Pikiran Rakyat


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