How to Get IDR 564 Million in 1 Month from YouTube Without Making Videos? Find The Tricks, Follow The steps!

- 11 Juni 2024, 10:03 WIB
Ilustration - Steps to Earn Income from YouTube
Ilustration - Steps to Earn Income from YouTube /Pexels/ Alexander Mils

INDOTRENDS.ID - How to Get IDR 564 Million in 1 Month from YouTube Without Making Videos? Find The Tricks, Follow The steps! Wwe will show you how to earn big from YouTube, without even having to make your own videos. The minimum income you can earn is IDR 564 million rupiah in one month, and the maximum can reach IDR 1.7 billion rupiah. This is a huge income, here is a detailed explanation of the steps.

By following these steps, you can earn big from YouTube without having to make your own videos. Use free resources available on the internet, optimize your channel, and be consistent in uploading quality content.

Don't forget to always follow the latest developments and trends so that your channel remains relevant and interesting to viewers. If you are interested in getting started, check out the complete tutorial that we have prepared and follow every step. Good luck and good luck!

How to Get IDR 564 Million in 1 Month from YouTube Without Making Videos, Follow the steps below, Including: Open a YouTube Channel
How to Get IDR 564 Million in 1 Month from YouTube Without Making Videos, Follow the steps below, Including: Open a YouTube Channel

To get income like this, quoted from Dhani Design's YouTube account, we will use YouTube. However, the difference is, we don't need to make our own videos or have high video editing skills.

Steps to Earn Income from YouTube

1. Open a YouTube Channel

The first step is to create or open a YouTube channel. For example, we can see the "Relaxation with Audio Noise" channel which is successful with audio content.

2. Using Free Audio and Video


Editor: Dian Toro


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