8 Ways to Make Money from Telegram, Easy and Proven to Make Money only From Your Gadget, Everywhere!

- 12 Juni 2024, 09:53 WIB
Here! 8 Ways to Make Money from Telegram, Easy and Proven to Make Money only From Your Gadget or Smartphone, Prove it !
Here! 8 Ways to Make Money from Telegram, Easy and Proven to Make Money only From Your Gadget or Smartphone, Prove it ! //Unsplash/Christian Wiediger

8 Ways to Make Money from Telegram, Easy and Proven to Make Money only From Your Gadget, Everywhere! ...

INDOTRENDS.ID - You must already know the chat called Telegram. Similar to other communication applications, you can use Telegram for text, photos, audio, video, and so on.

Telegram has 500 million users every month and is known for its high level of security. However, many people don't know that you can use this application to make money.

With so many Telegram users all over the world, there are many ways you can use to make money from Telegram. Come on, see how!

How to Make Money from Telegram

Telegram has many interesting features such as creating channels, creating hyperlinks, etc., and you can use them to make more money. Here are some ways to make money from Telegram.

1. Selling Ads
In Russia, selling ads on Telegram is a fairly well-known option. Advertisements can be sold to other channels for promotion, to companies or brands.

Usually, ads are sold P2P, where the channel admin contacts the client and makes a transaction or makes an agreement. But this can also be done automatically.

2. By using a subscription fee
The most popular way to make money from Telegram is using a subscription fee or paid subscription. You can do this with a public channel with lots of followers or a private channel by creating premium content.


Editor: Dian Toro


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