5 Best Tourist Destinations in Indonesia Most Frequently Visited by American, Japanese, Korean, Australian

- 11 Juni 2024, 09:30 WIB
Likupang, New Paradise in North Sulawesi: An Enchanting Marine Tourism Destination
Likupang, New Paradise in North Sulawesi: An Enchanting Marine Tourism Destination /wisata Likupang Sulawesi Utara/Youtube

INDOTRENDS.ID - 5 best tourist destinations of Indonesia 202, including Borobudur Temple, Lake Toba, Likupang, Mandalika and Labuan Bajo, Most Frequently Visited by American, Japanese, Korean, Australian and The Foreigners From Many Other Countries. 

The Indonesian government through the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is promoting the country's tourism potential. One of the efforts is to promote 5 super priority destinations in Indonesia.

So, the 5 super priority tourist destinations launched by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) include Borobudur, Lake Toba, Likupang, Mandalika and Labuan Bajo.

Each destination has its own charm and uniqueness. If you haven't had time to visit these 5 super priority destinations, there's no harm in preparing plans from now on.

Labuan Bajo, salah satu destinasi wisata di Indonesia
Labuan Bajo, salah satu destinasi wisata di Indonesia Dok. Indonesia Travel

So, what kind of excitement does each destination have? Come on, take a look at the following review!

Not only famous for Komodo dragon tourism on Komodo Island, Labuan Bajo also has other attractions such as Rinca Island, Padar Island and Gili Lawa.

1. Borobudur
The super priority destination Borobudur is located in Magelang, Central Java, approximately 40 kilometers northwest of Yogyakarta.

Candi Borobudur
Candi Borobudur

This stupa-shaped temple was founded around the 800s AD by Buddhists. Currently, Borobudur has been named by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage.

Every Vesak Day, the Borobudur area is always visited by religious pilgrims to commemorate this holy day.

2. Lake Toba
On the island of Sumatra, there is a tourism icon that continues to increase in popularity as a priority destination. That destination is Lake Toba, which offers extraordinary natural beauty to anyone who visits.

Danau Toba
Danau Toba Dok. Kemenparekraf

Traveling to Lake Toba will feel even more special when you enjoy the experience of kayaking in the middle of the lake or experience the excitement of luxury camping, aka glamping, on one side of the lake.

Lake Toba also offers unique culinary specialties that will shake the taste buds, for example naniura. This dish of fish cooked without fire is often also referred to as Batak-style 'sashimi'. So, are you curious to try it?

3. Likupang
The super priority destination Likupang is located in North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi. Likupang is also on the rise for lovers of the country's natural charm.

Pulau Lihaga, Likupang, Sulawesi Utara.
Pulau Lihaga, Likupang, Sulawesi Utara.

The distance which is not too far from the capital of North Sulawesi, Manado, also makes Likupang a very potential tourist destination. There, you can enjoy a number of exotic and charming beach areas.

When traveling to Likupang, don't miss visiting Pulisan Beach, Paal Beach and Bahoi Ecotourism!

4. Mandalika
You can also enjoy a hidden paradise in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), especially in Mandalika.


Apart from having extraordinarily beautiful natural charm, the super priority destination Mandalika will also be developed for sports tourism in the future. It is hoped that a number of world-class sporting agendas will take place in the future, such as Moto GP.

In Mandalika, you can enjoy delicious typical culinary delights. For example, taliwang chicken has a combination of sweet, spicy and savory flavors.

5. Labuan Bajo
Shifting slightly from NTB, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) also has a super priority destination that is being developed by the government, namely Labuan Bajo.

Foto: Pulau Padar di Labuan Bajo
Foto: Pulau Padar di Labuan Bajo

Traveling to Labuan Bajo is guaranteed to provide excitement for you, your family and friends. Social media feeds can also become more beautiful along with the charm of the beauty of this natural destination!

So, that's the complete list of 5 super priority tourist destinations that continue to be developed by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia.

With the enchanting beauty of all these tourist destinations, there is no need to hesitate to plan a holiday to each destination.

What are you waiting for, let's immediately plan your holiday to 5 priority destinations in Indonesia and admire the beauty of Indonesia's tourist charm!

***  (IndoTrends.id/ Source: Traveloka )

Editor: Dian Toro


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