10 Recommended Daycares in Central Jakarta, West Jakarta, North Jakarta, East Jakarta and South Jakarta, Best!

- 27 Juni 2024, 11:23 WIB
10 Recommended Daycares in Central Jakarta, West Jakarta, North Jakarta, East Jakarta and South Jakarta, Comfortable for Son or daughter
10 Recommended Daycares in Central Jakarta, West Jakarta, North Jakarta, East Jakarta and South Jakarta, Comfortable for Son or daughter //Unsplash/Gabe Pierce

There are a variety of other activities that hone children's sensory and motor skills. With 2 meals, 2 snacks, and safe facilities.

CCTV, written reports and documentation are also provided every day so that parents can monitor their children.

Open from Monday to Friday, from 07.00 to 18.00 WIB.

  • Recommended Daycare West Jakarta

7. Trust DayCare
Located in North Kedoya, West Jakarta, this daycare operates every weekday from 07.30 to 18.00 WIB.

Equipped with active CCTV and daily reports via smartphone.

Children will be invited to do various activities that train their thinking and motor skills, such as drawing, coloring and swimming.

There are also activities to watch films and other games which are of course educational.

8. Little Shine Daycare
Little Shine Daycare offers a variety of activities that are beneficial for children's development.

There are ballet dance classes that inspire creativity while maintaining physical health.

Reading courses help build an important foundation in literacy, and writing and numeracy courses expand academic skills.


Editor: Dian Toro


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