Taboo Cultures in Australia Foreigners Need to Know, Including Don't dress too Casually or Formally at a Resto

- 25 Juni 2024, 07:05 WIB
Prohibited and Taboo Culture in Australia Need to Know by Foreigner Including Don't Make a Joke About Aborigin
Prohibited and Taboo Culture in Australia Need to Know by Foreigner Including Don't Make a Joke About Aborigin //Pixabay

1. Don't forget to leave a tip when you get good service
Like in the United States, tips in Australia are customary as a form of appreciation when enjoying a meal out.

Luckily, unlike in the US where the standard tip is 20% (sometimes the minimum), in Australia you can tip anything from 10 to 15%.

If you get great service, you can give more. Meanwhile, if the service is relaxed and not too 'fancy', you can get away with leaving a 5-10% tip and the waiter will still appreciate it!

2. Don't stroke the koala's head
Yes, we get it, cute bears are irresistible. However, you should never pat them or try to hug them!

First, these bears are still wild animals and dangerous to handle unless you are a wildlife expert. Not only will you annoy local residents and potentially violate state laws, but you could also get scratches and injuries.

The best way to admire them is from a distance by taking a few pictures to immortalize those sweet and pleasant memories.

Kangaroo in Australia.
Kangaroo in Australia. Pixabay/pen_ash

3. Don't throw trash or smoke in public places
This is self-explanatory but you would be surprised how clueless some people are.

Littering is never good, and neither is smoking in public places. Both are punishable by fines, plus you'll usually be shunned and looked down upon if you actually do it.

So, treat other countries as you would your own country. Not only will you contribute to a cleaner and greener country, but you will also avoid hefty fines!


Editor: Dian Toro


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