Prohibited and Taboo Culture in Australia Need to Know by Foreigner Including Don't Make a Joke About Aborigin

- 20 Juni 2024, 12:05 WIB
These are the things you should avoid when living in Australia, including Don't forget to leave a tip when you get good service
These are the things you should avoid when living in Australia, including Don't forget to leave a tip when you get good service /ilustrasi/

Prohibited and Taboo Culture in Australia Need to Know by Foreigner Including Don't Make a Joke About Aborigin

INDOTRENDS.ID - Traveling to Australia to start your study abroad adventure can be very stressful. You should also take care to take complete care of yourself. However, apart from that, it is also important to respect the customs and traditions of each country you visit and live in.

Remember, ‘When in Rome, do as the Romans do!’. The same can be said when you live in Australia, your new host country.

Luckily, Australia is a fairly liberal and open-minded country. The community also embraces newcomers, tourists and international students. Even so, this country also has many taboo things that must be avoided. Many of them revolve around wildlife and a deep cultural heritage dating back thousands of years.

These are the things you should avoid when living in Australia.

Prohibited and Taboo Culture in Australia that You Need to Know
Prohibited and Taboo Culture in Australia that You Need to Know

7 Australian Cultural Taboos You Should Avoid

1. Don't forget to leave a tip when you get good service
Like in the United States, tips in Australia are customary as a form of appreciation when enjoying a meal out.

Luckily, unlike in the US where the standard tip is 20% (sometimes the minimum), in Australia you can tip anything from 10 to 15%.


Editor: Dian Toro


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