9 Easy Ways to Make Money Only from Smartphone for Students That Will Definitely Result Additional Income

- 18 Juni 2024, 11:36 WIB
Illustration - 9 Ways to Make Money from Cellphones for Students That Will Definitely Succeed
Illustration - 9 Ways to Make Money from Cellphones for Students That Will Definitely Succeed /

To offer paid promotion services, you can directly include it in your bio, join an agency, or submit an offer directly.

5. Online Tutors
So online tutoring can be a way to make money from cellphones for students and students who feel they have good academic grades. Apart from that, you also need good communication skills, be able to speak in front of the camera, and enjoy interacting with various people.

To make it easier to get clients, you can join an online course platform. Later your profile, competencies, experience, and class prices will be uploaded to the website. That way, prospective students who need your services will choose through that platform.

6. Become a Content Creator
If you are a beauty enthusiast, gadget enthusiast, cooking hobbyist, pet hobbyist and so on, being a content creator could be an option to make money from your cellphone.

From now on, make sure to create interesting content to build a large following and influence your audience.

Later, if your performance is deemed to meet the requirements, brands that are relevant to your type of content will invite you to collaborate to promote their products. Your task here is to create paid content in the form of photos or videos about the product.

The hope is that your followers will be interested in trying the product you are promoting.

7. Become a freelancer
Not only students, anyone can become a freelancer as long as they have the skills that clients need. This is for example content writing, design, photo or video editing, and so on.

You don't need to do it yourself to find clients. You just have to create an account on a trusted freelance platform both at home and abroad to offer your skills.

Make sure to upload your best portfolio so that it is easier for potential clients to assess whether your capacity meets their needs. Then just wait for the order, make an agreement with the client, and start working on the order.


Editor: Dian Toro


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