9 Easy Ways to Make Money Only from Smartphone for Students That Will Definitely Result Additional Income

- 18 Juni 2024, 11:36 WIB
Illustration - 9 Ways to Make Money from Cellphones for Students That Will Definitely Succeed
Illustration - 9 Ways to Make Money from Cellphones for Students That Will Definitely Succeed /


9 Easy Ways to Make Money Only from Smartphone for Students That Will Definitely Result Additional Income

INDOTRENDS.ID - It seems like nowadays there is no one who doesn't have a cell phone, including children and teenagers. For you students, your smartphone can really be a source of income to increase your pocket money. Want to know how to make money from cellphones or handphone for students?

There are several alternatives that you can try. Even for those who like playing games, this hobby of yours can be a profitable activity. Check out the list here.

There are several ways to make money via cellphone for students here, starting from opening an online shop, filling out surveys, and of course playing games. You just have to choose the one that best suits your interests.

9 Easy Ways to Make Money Only from Smartphone for Students That Will Definitely Result Additional Income
9 Easy Ways to Make Money Only from Smartphone for Students That Will Definitely Result Additional Income

1. Complete the Online Survey
This first way to earn money without capital via cellphone for students is relatively easy and can be done by anyone. These online surveys are usually held by companies or institutions that want to know the public's opinion on a particular topic or product. You will get paid after filling out surveys through the platform.

To do this, you need to create an account first and fill in your personal data as usual. Next, you just have to take the available survey, or you can choose it yourself. Rewards from this activity can be in the form of shopping vouchers, e-wallet balance (between $1 to $5), credit, and so on.

Make sure you choose a trusted platform that actually pays for your efforts in filling out surveys.

2. Open an Online Store
If you often shop online, you are certainly familiar with the existence of this shop. Opening an online shop with a dropship system could be an option for making money from cellphones for students without capital. The reason is that dropshippers are not required to stock goods.


Editor: Dian Toro


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