9 Easy Ways to Make Money Only from Smartphone for Students That Will Definitely Result Additional Income

- 18 Juni 2024, 11:36 WIB
Illustration - 9 Ways to Make Money from Cellphones for Students That Will Definitely Succeed
Illustration - 9 Ways to Make Money from Cellphones for Students That Will Definitely Succeed /

The more time you invest in working, the greater the income you will get.

8. Selling Photos and Videos
Have lots of aesthetic photos and videos on your cellphone? Instead of just filling up your cellphone's memory, how about selling it on image contributor websites, of which there are quite a lot at the moment.

First, you must create an account, then upload the best photos and videos from your collection. Next, the platform will assess whether your work is worthy or not. If deemed worthy, your photos and videos will appear on the platform homepage.
If an internet user downloads your work, you will receive a royalty fee which varies according to the quality.

9. Play Games!
Want to know how to make money from cellphones for middle school, high school students, or anyone who wants to make money from cellphones? The method is simply to play games on your cellphone via an online game application that gives points that can be exchanged for rewards to the winner.

*** (IndoTrends.id/ source: traveloka ) 



Editor: Dian Toro


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