Comparison of Potato and Rice Carbohydrates, Which One is Healthier? Check the Fact !

- 15 Juni 2024, 18:10 WIB
Kentang dan Nasi Putih
Kentang dan Nasi Putih /Unsplash


Comparison of Potato and Rice Carbohydrates, Which one is Healthier? Check the fact!

INDOTRENDS.ID - Both potatoes and rice are popular staple carbohydrate sources in various parts of the world. Both are equally filling and easy to prepare into various delicious dishes. However, did you know that there are differences in carbohydrate content, calories and glycemic index between potatoes and rice?

Carbohydrate Content

  • Rice: In 100 grams of white rice, there are around 28 grams of carbohydrates.
  • Potatoes: In 100 grams of boiled potatoes, there are around 17 grams of carbohydrates.

Based on its carbohydrate content, rice has higher carbohydrates than potatoes.


  • Rice: One serving of white rice (about 150 grams) contains about 200 calories.
  • Potatoes: One serving of boiled potatoes (around 150 grams) contains around 120 calories. Potatoes have lower calories than rice. This means, if you want to control your calorie intake, potatoes could be a better choice.

Glycemic Index (IG)

  • Rice: White rice has an IG of 73, including the high category.
  • Potatoes: Boiled potatoes have an IG of 78, including the high category.

Both rice and potatoes have a high GI. This means that both can cause a rapid spike in blood sugar.

Did you know that there are differences in carbohydrate content, calories and glycemic index between potatoes and rice?
Did you know that there are differences in carbohydrate content, calories and glycemic index between potatoes and rice?


Editor: Dian Toro


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