24 Hour Clinics in North Jakarta: Orchid Clinic and Sunter Medical Center Sisma Medika Clinic, Check Location!

- 21 Juni 2024, 08:57 WIB
The following are the nearest public clinics in the areas of South Jakarta, West Jakarta, East Jakarta, Central Jakarta and North Jakarta
The following are the nearest public clinics in the areas of South Jakarta, West Jakarta, East Jakarta, Central Jakarta and North Jakarta /Freepik/

24 Hour Clinics in North Jakarta: Orchid Clinic and Sunter Medical Center Sisma Medika Clinic, Check Location!

INDOTRENDS.ID - When your body is not fit enough to make it difficult to stand, the first thing you need is to immediately consult a doctor.

However, sometimes the distance between home and the hospital is so far that the nearest clinic could be a solution.

Starting from minor illnesses such as flu, fever, coughs and colds to diseases that can be treated immediately as a form of first aid.

Therefore, it is important to know the nearest clinics or clinics that are open 24 hours so that you can easily get first aid when illness occurs. The following are the nearest public clinics in the areas of Nort Jakarta: 

Illustration - List of the nearest 24 hour and cheapest clinics in Jakarta
Illustration - List of the nearest 24 hour and cheapest clinics in Jakarta



1. Klinik Sunter Medical Centre Sisma Medika (Sunter Medical Center Sisma Medika Clinic)
The closest 24-hour clinic in North Jakarta is located on Jalan Sunter Kemayoran No. 4 RT 02 RW 003, Tanjung Priok.


Editor: Dian Toro


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