24 Hour Clinics in North Jakarta: Orchid Clinic and Sunter Medical Center Sisma Medika Clinic, Check Location!

- 21 Juni 2024, 08:57 WIB
The following are the nearest public clinics in the areas of South Jakarta, West Jakarta, East Jakarta, Central Jakarta and North Jakarta
The following are the nearest public clinics in the areas of South Jakarta, West Jakarta, East Jakarta, Central Jakarta and North Jakarta /Freepik/

Medical services offered include dental health, eyes, ENT, internal medicine, general diseases, obstetrics and gynecology.

2. Klinik Anggrek, Sunter (Orchid Clinic, Sunter)
Anggrek Clinic is located at Jalan Sunter Kemayoran No. 19B, RT 03 RW 007, Tanjung Priok. Operates every day from 09.00 to 22.00. The medical services offered include consultation and treatment of common illnesses.



Editor: Dian Toro


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