Profile of Grace Natalie, From Journalist to MIND ID Commissioner, Founder Indonesian Solidarity Party or PSI

- 13 Juni 2024, 21:55 WIB
Profile of Grace Natalie, From Journalist to MIND ID Commissioner, Founder Indonesia Solidarity Party or PSI
Profile of Grace Natalie, From Journalist to MIND ID Commissioner, Founder Indonesia Solidarity Party or PSI // instagram @grace_natalie/

Profile of Grace Natalie, From Journalist to MIND ID Commissioner, Founder Indonesia Solidarity Party or PSI

INDOTRENDS.ID - A number of inner circle persons from the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming National Campaign Team (TKN) were appointed as commissioners at State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN). One of them is Grace Natalie.

She was appointed as Commissioner of the Indonesian Mining Industry Holding, MIND ID as of Monday, June 10 2024.

"The Annual GMS approved the appointment of Grace Natalie Louisa as Commissioner," said a statement on the MIND ID website, quoted on Thursday, June 13 2024. The following is her profile and track record;

Profile and Track Record of Grace Natalie, from Journalist to MIND ID Commissioner
Profile and Track Record of Grace Natalie, from Journalist to MIND ID Commissioner antaranews


Profile of Grace Natalie

Grace Natalie has long been known as a politician from the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI). Before her name was known as it is today, the woman born in Jakarta, July 4 1982, studied at the Kwik Kian Gie Institute of Business and Informatics, majoring in accounting.

While studying, Grace Natalie was active in the world of journalism. After graduating, she worked at several television stations in the country.


Editor: Dian Toro

Sumber: Pikiran Rakyat


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