10 Practical Ways of Resulting Money from Facebook, Open Fanpage, Become An Influencer, Monetize Your Content!

17 Juni 2024, 06:00 WIB
10 Practical Ways to Make Money from Facebook, Open Fanpage, Become An Influencer, Monetize Your Content, Beginning From Now! /

10 Practical Ways to Make Money from Facebook, Open Fanpage, Become An Influencer, Monetize Your Content!

INDOTRENDS.ID - Did you know that you can get money from the internet via Facebook?

There are several ways to make money from Facebook that you can try to get practical income or income.

Facebook, or what has now changed its name to Meta, is one of the social media with the most users in the world so it can be considered a source of digital profits.

There are several ways to make money from Facebook that can be done without spending large amounts of capital. Come on, check out the full discussion this time!

How to Make Money from Facebook

Since the widespread use of Facebook, many fast ways to make money have emerged that can be relied on by various users around the world.

Apart from being used as an online selling platform, there are also various ways to make money from Facebook that you can try.

So, what things can you do to make money from Facebook? Here's the explanation:

10 Practical Ways to Make Money from Facebook

1. Content Monetization
Content uploaded on Facebook can be monetized or monetized. Whether it's in the form of articles, advertisements, collaborative content with brands, or live videos, everything can be monetized.

The money earned from monetizing this content comes from the support of Fanpage followers and fans.

Therefore, adjust the content model to business needs to help reach the appropriate target consumers.

One of the requirements that needs to be met to be able to monetize content is to have an online presence with more than 10,000 Page followers.

2. Open the Fanpage
One way to make money from Facebook is to open your own Fanpage or Page. This is a Facebook feature that is a favorite of influencers.

With Fanpage, you can do any promotions freely. Apart from that, Fanpage can also be used as a forum for sharing stories and building interaction with followers.

3. Promote Fanpage
After opening a Fanpage, optimize its use by promoting it to your network of friends.

If there is more interaction with the Fanpage, the opportunity to expand the reach of target consumers will be greater.

That way, you can unlock the potential to make money from optimal use and promotion of Fanpage.

4. Become a Paid Fanpage Admin
Apart from opening your own Fanpage, you can manage other people's Fanpages. Here, the role you will take is admin who acts as a content manager.

Usually, vacancies for Page or Fanpage admins on Facebook are easy to find considering that there are billions of Fanpages that exist today.

Becoming a Fanpage admin is one way to make money from Facebook that can be done by various groups because often the requirements do not state an age limit.

Working as a Fanpage admin is quite easy as long as you have writing and online interaction skills.

5. Connecting Business Platforms to Fanpages
Fanpage not only functions as a forum for sharing aspirations and interacting, but also a place that can be connected to other online business platforms.

If you have a business website or marketplace, you can connect it to Fanpage easily.

You do this by entering a website or marketplace link into the "Website" column in "Page Settings". After ensuring the link is appropriate, click the “Save” button.

That way, you can get traffic from Fanpage which has the opportunity to increase its authority on search pages and help users find business platforms more easily.

6. Utilize Facebook Ads
Managing ads can be a way to make money from Facebook for those of you who want to reach target consumers more quickly.

The difference with a Fanpage which can be created for free is that installing a Facebook Ad requires capital, starting from IDR 10 thousand.

With Facebook Ads, you can determine specific target users and collect leads.

7. Open Jastip Services
Facebook is often filled with online buying and selling accounts from various regions. Apart from buying and selling, you can try the jastip business or entrustment service which is quite profitable.

Get full payment in advance from customers who use your services. Then, look for the item you want and buy it with that money.

To make a profit, set a fee of around 10% to 15% of the price of the item. If the goods are limited, you can also set a higher fee.

8. Become an Influencer
Working as an influencer can be a way to make money from Facebook that can be done easily and practically without requiring a lot of capital.

Based on a HubSpot survey regarding the best platforms for influencers in 2023, Facebook ranks fourth with an influencer percentage of 57%.

To earn money from the influencer profession, you need to create interesting and original content that is uploaded regularly on Facebook.

Start building your brand reputation to get endorsements. That's where the profits will be obtained. After that, you no longer need to promote from scratch.

9. Carry out promotions by tagging other people
Reach potential consumer targets on Facebook by carrying out intensive promotions using other people's tags.

Make posts that contain promotions and tag other people. Here, you don't need to open a Fanpage. Just upload content to your personal account.

In order to reach the appropriate target market, make sure the tags used are still related to promotional content so that they are not considered spam.

10. Upload product photos on Facebook
So that your business is more trusted by Facebook users, make sure to upload product photos in the Facebook Shop window.

Curate products by category so users can find the items they want easily.

Just open a Facebook account via laptop or smartphone. Then, open the Shop feature in the Menu section and upload a photo of the product you want to sell.

These are several ways to make money from Facebook that can be an option for earning online income.

*** (IndoTrends.id/ pegadaian.co.id ) 


Editor: Dian Toro


