What's Benefits of ChatGPT in Apple Intelligence? Check out The Functions and Security Offered

- 16 Juni 2024, 06:00 WIB
There is ChatGPT in Apple Intelligence, check out the functions and security offered
There is ChatGPT in Apple Intelligence, check out the functions and security offered /Apple.com

Apple Intelligence temporarily offers free access to ChatGPT, but when it exceeds the provided quota it becomes paid in some way.

In practice, Apple Intelligence will provide a direct link to ChatGPT, so users can immediately understand documents and images. Siri also plays a role in routing requests through ChatGPT, if you ask nicely.


In addition, Apple adds a level of privacy to access using ChatGPT. According to Apple, for those of you who access ChatGPT via Apple Intelligence, the IP address will be immediately obfuscated via a server infrastructure called Private Cloud Computer, and OpenAi will not store any data from your device. Otherwise, ChatGPT's data usage policies will apply.

ChatGPT supported by GPT-4 will be available for the three main platforms, namely macOS Sequoia, iPadOS 18, and iOS 18 at the end of this year.

However, Apple also said that other AI models still have the opportunity to become partners in the future. ChatGPT probably won't be the exclusive large language modeling (LLM) partner for Apple Intelligence for long.

*** (IndoTrends.id/ Pikiran Rakyat/ Khairuniza Fauzatul)


Editor: Dian Toro


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