9 Guides to Make Money Only from Handphone for Students That Will Definitely Result Additional Income

- 23 Juni 2024, 05:00 WIB
Illustration - 9 Ways to Make Money from Cellphones for Students That Will Definitely Succeed
Illustration - 9 Ways to Make Money from Cellphones for Students That Will Definitely Succeed /


9 Easy Ways to Make Money Only from Smartphone for Students That Will Definitely Result Additional Income

INDOTRENDS.ID - It seems like nowadays there is no one who doesn't have a cell phone, including children and teenagers. For you students, your smartphone can really be a source of income to increase your pocket money. Want to know how to make money from cellphones or handphone for students?

There are several alternatives that you can try. Even for those who like playing games, this hobby of yours can be a profitable activity. Check out the list here.

There are several ways to make money via cellphone for students here, starting from opening an online shop, filling out surveys, and of course playing games. You just have to choose the one that best suits your interests.

9 Easy Ways to Make Money Only from Smartphone for Students That Will Definitely Result Additional Income
9 Easy Ways to Make Money Only from Smartphone for Students That Will Definitely Result Additional Income

1. Complete the Online Survey
This first way to earn money without capital via cellphone for students is relatively easy and can be done by anyone. These online surveys are usually held by companies or institutions that want to know the public's opinion on a particular topic or product. You will get paid after filling out surveys through the platform.

To do this, you need to create an account first and fill in your personal data as usual. Next, you just have to take the available survey, or you can choose it yourself. Rewards from this activity can be in the form of shopping vouchers, e-wallet balance (between $1 to $5), credit, and so on.

Make sure you choose a trusted platform that actually pays for your efforts in filling out surveys.

2. Open an Online Store
If you often shop online, you are certainly familiar with the existence of this shop. Opening an online shop with a dropship system could be an option for making money from cellphones for students without capital. The reason is that dropshippers are not required to stock goods.

Your job is only to promote products from partner suppliers or distributors, for example through social media, marketplaces, or offline. Next, all you have to do is forward the customer's order to the distributor partner for the packaging and shipping process.

What's even more interesting is that distributors will send products to customers with the name of your shop. There are many choices of products for resale, ranging from fashion items, cellphone accessories, laptops and cameras, household equipment, to snacks.

So that your shop's performance looks professional in the eyes of customers, make sure you choose a distributor partner who is trustworthy, has quality goods and is responsive.

3. Selling Preloved Products
Have a lot of used items that are still in good condition just piled up at home? How about you just sell it by opening an online shop for preloved products.

But remember, make sure the items you want to sell are actually still usable, or even look new. Some products that are quite popular even though they are second hand are clothes, shoes, accessories, electronic equipment, furniture and many more.

After collecting these used items, the next step is to create interesting and detailed photos. You are also obliged to explain honestly the product description. So potential customers really understand the condition of the goods and don't feel disappointed if it doesn't meet expectations.

This is especially true for defective parts, or product deficiencies, for example traces of use.

4. Open Paid Promote Services on Social Media
Are you looking for a way to make money from cellphones for high school students? Try paying attention to your social media accounts. Does your account have a large number of followers? Has some content ever become trending? Or do you have high insight?

If all these requirements are met, you can offer paid promotion services. This is a product promotion service that is usually relevant to your account image.

For example, a mukbang account to promote culinary products, a make-up tutorial account for make-up products too, a gadget review account to promote the latest gadgets from a brand, and so on.

To offer paid promotion services, you can directly include it in your bio, join an agency, or submit an offer directly.

5. Online Tutors
So online tutoring can be a way to make money from cellphones for students and students who feel they have good academic grades. Apart from that, you also need good communication skills, be able to speak in front of the camera, and enjoy interacting with various people.

To make it easier to get clients, you can join an online course platform. Later your profile, competencies, experience, and class prices will be uploaded to the website. That way, prospective students who need your services will choose through that platform.

6. Become a Content Creator
If you are a beauty enthusiast, gadget enthusiast, cooking hobbyist, pet hobbyist and so on, being a content creator could be an option to make money from your cellphone.

From now on, make sure to create interesting content to build a large following and influence your audience.

Later, if your performance is deemed to meet the requirements, brands that are relevant to your type of content will invite you to collaborate to promote their products. Your task here is to create paid content in the form of photos or videos about the product.

The hope is that your followers will be interested in trying the product you are promoting.

7. Become a freelancer
Not only students, anyone can become a freelancer as long as they have the skills that clients need. This is for example content writing, design, photo or video editing, and so on.

You don't need to do it yourself to find clients. You just have to create an account on a trusted freelance platform both at home and abroad to offer your skills.

Make sure to upload your best portfolio so that it is easier for potential clients to assess whether your capacity meets their needs. Then just wait for the order, make an agreement with the client, and start working on the order.

The more time you invest in working, the greater the income you will get.

8. Selling Photos and Videos
Have lots of aesthetic photos and videos on your cellphone? Instead of just filling up your cellphone's memory, how about selling it on image contributor websites, of which there are quite a lot at the moment.

First, you must create an account, then upload the best photos and videos from your collection. Next, the platform will assess whether your work is worthy or not. If deemed worthy, your photos and videos will appear on the platform homepage.
If an internet user downloads your work, you will receive a royalty fee which varies according to the quality.

9. Play Games!
Want to know how to make money from cellphones for middle school, high school students, or anyone who wants to make money from cellphones? The method is simply to play games on your cellphone via an online game application that gives points that can be exchanged for rewards to the winner.

*** (IndoTrends.id/ source: traveloka ) 


Editor: Dian Toro


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