Now, Answered! The Reason Why Yamaha Has No Plans to Sell Electric Motorbikes in Indonesia Market

- 13 Juni 2024, 12:17 WIB
 Yamaha has no plans to sell electric motorbikes in Indonesia, this is the reason
Yamaha has no plans to sell electric motorbikes in Indonesia, this is the reason /Hendra Karunia / Bagikan Berita/



Now, Answered! The Reason Why Yamaha Has No Plans to Sell Electric Motorbikes in Indonesia Market .....

INDOTRENDS.ID - Yamaha says it has no plans to sell electric motorbikes in Indonesia.

This is interesting, because PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing previously carried out proof of concept (PoC) testing on the Yamaha E01 electric motorbike. Testing has been carried out since 2023.

General Manager Marketing - Public Relations PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing, Antonius Widiantoro, stated that currently the POC process for the Yamaha E01 is complete.

But the brand with the tuning fork logo says it has no intention of selling electric motorbikes in the near future.

Test result

The man who is familiarly called Anton stated that the POC that had been carried out in the last few years had been completed. Yamaha will process data from test results for Indonesian consumers.

"POC has achieved the target and we are using the results for development. The motorbike is still here (Indonesia). We are also testing, but internally," said Anton when met on the sidelines of the NMax Turbo launch in Jakarta, Wednesday 12 June 2024.


Editor: Dian Toro

Sumber: Pikiran Rakyat


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