Former Chairman of the Palestinian Legislative Council Free From Prison After 8 Months of Israeli Detention

- 14 Juni 2024, 11:45 WIB
Former Chairman of the Palestinian Legislative Council Breathes Fresh Air After 8 Months of Israeli Detention, His Weight Loses Drastically
Former Chairman of the Palestinian Legislative Council Breathes Fresh Air After 8 Months of Israeli Detention, His Weight Loses Drastically /Media Sosial/


Former Chairman of the Palestinian Legislative Council Free From Prison After 8 Months of Israeli Detention, Just Look at his New Look, become very thin !

INDOTRENDS.ID - Former Chairman of the Palestinian Legislative Council, Aziz Dweik was finally released by Israeli colonialists after being arbitrarily detained eight months ago. He was dropped off by Israeli security forces at a military checkpoint in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron on Thursday, June 13, 2024.

Aziz Dweik (77) was arrested on October 17, 2023 and held under military detention for six months, which was later extended by the Israeli authorities. Israel holds detainees under administrative detention on the grounds of "security threat" without charge for a period of six months, which may later be extended.

Aziz Dweik is being held in a prison in the Negev desert, where the Palestinian Prisoners' Club accuses authorities of medical negligence. He was reported to be suffering from anemia and hemoglobin deficiency due to diabetes in December 2023.

Previously, he had also undergone two catheterization operations and kidney stone fragmentation.

"Aziz Dweik did not receive proper medical treatment, and his family was denied the right to visit him and check his health condition," said the eyewitness, quoted from Middle East Eye.

Occupying Israel has detained thousands of Palestinians from the occupied West Bank since the genocide in Gaza began on October 7, 2023, many of whom remain in administrative detention.

Images shared on social media of the released Aziz Dweik show him looking much thinner than before his arrest.

The 77-year-old was elected chairman of the Palestinian Legislative Council in 2006. The body, which has a majority of Hamas members, has not been seated since 2007, and effectively ceased functioning following the split between Fatah and Hamas that year.


Editor: Dian Toro

Sumber: Pikiran Rakyat


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