Tips & Trick to Make Money From TikTok, Getting Additional Income Only From Your Gadget

- 15 Juni 2024, 10:00 WIB
7 Profitable Easy Ways to Make Money From TikTok, Instantly Being Celebrity in Social Media, Follow The Steps!
7 Profitable Easy Ways to Make Money From TikTok, Instantly Being Celebrity in Social Media, Follow The Steps! /FREEPIK/drobotdean/

INDOTRENDS.ID - 7 Profitable Easy Ways to Make Money From TikTok, Instantly Being Celebrity in Social Media, Follow The Steps! 

Already have a TikTok account & interested in earning additional income? Find out 7 ways to make money from TikTok easily and profitably in this article!

TikTok is a video sharing application that is currently viral and widely used by the public. Apparently, this application is popular because it can bring profits in the form of money to its users. However, how? Come on, find the answer to how to make money from TikTok through the description below. Do not miss!

What is TikTok?

TikTok is an application from China that was launched in 2016. You can share audio-visual content with a maximum duration of 60 seconds. When editing videos, you can add certain effects and background music. You can also make your own music or use other people's music that is already available in the application.

At the start of its launch, this application was actually quite popular and was often used by young Indonesians. However, because it often causes controversy, the Indonesian government issued a ban on its use.

Ilustrasi - Find out 7 ways to make money from TikTok easily and profitably
Ilustrasi - Find out 7 ways to make money from TikTok easily and profitably Pexels/Ivan Samkov.


Then, in 2019, the TikTok application became popular again due to the large number of content creators who came from public figures, artists, celebrities, musicians and various other professional workers. To date, TikTok has 689 million active users worldwide.


Editor: Dian Toro


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